
Friday, August 17, 2012

Ikea goodies

It is pouring with rain today and my two youngest have the day off school.

I finally pulled out the camera and found some ikea snaps. From my recent trip.
The lamp is my favourite.

I am also loving this little bowl thingy.

These are my small camellias, I have forgotten their name,  just love their soft pink colours.

Who would have thought these bag clips would be so life changing?

And these pretty tins and plants will go outside when the weather becomes a bit more civil.

I had to buy these white boxes, I didn't have a plan for them but they are proving to be handy for all sorts of things.

And I might have accidentally bought a new rug for the family room.

I did buy a few other bits and pieces but I will save them for another time.


  1. All great finds but I especially love the lamp! I am due for a visit to Ikea soon too - am keen to check out a chest of drawers for our bedroom and a few other odd bits and pieces. You'll have to share a photo of your new rug in its new position. Enjoy your weekend Deb x

    1. Yes, Amanda I will. It involves moving 2 heavy coffee tables so I need to get Mr M in the right frame of mind. I am looking forward to making the family room more neutral so I can add some coloured cushions. Enjoy your Ikea outing, it really is an outing, not really somewhere you can just pop into quickly.

  2. It sounds like you had a really productive trip. I think it is impossible to go to Ikea and not buy something. The rug and the lamp are especially gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Julie-Ann, it is pretty good marketing isn't it.

  3. OOH, I love those lamps, I need to get myself to IKEA one day, so much eye candy. Love your purchases!!

    1. Yes, I think everybody needs an Ikea trip every now and then. Thanks for popping by.

  4. I love your lamp, and the bowl is beautiful! I went to Ikea last week when I was in Melbourne, but I was on the tram so didn't buy too much. Got some fabulous cushion inserts and gorgeous fabrics, and a couple of small things. It's a fun place isn't it.

  5. Hey Deb :) Looks like you picked up some good bargains! One of those lamps would be awesome for my hubby's bedside table so thanks for sharing...I may just have to go grab one too! Oh and that rug is gorgeous, I have one in my living room and it's the best-wearing rug I've ever had.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Cas x

  6. Good haul there Deb. those white plastic containers I use in my vaniity and pantry. Next trip I'm stocking up on more because they're so versatile.

  7. i so need to do a trip to IKEA! love the pots!

  8. Ikea is like a grave for all credit cards. You go in there you come home with a dead credit card. Or at least that is what happens to me!! I love your desk, I like the natural wood top. Mine ahs a glass top and I hate it sometimes, it gets cold and dusty...
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, the desk came with an orangy brown laminated top which I didn't like so mr M made me this new one to match the dining table. It makes the desk much more sturdy.

  9. The last thing I need is another lamp but seeing as I am off to IKEA this weekend, I may just have to seek out the one you bought - love it! Agree about the bag clippy things, best IKEA purchase ever (and there have been a few!)

    1. If you do get the lamp, I would suggest getting duller globes than they suggest. Mine is a bit bright. Happy Shopping.

  10. Love your IKEA finds - I have a couple of them too. Great taste shared!!! Love to hear how you find the rug - is it scratchy? I've been eying it off.

    1. I am not sure if it will be scratchy. we have a similar one in the bathroom and we all love the bumpy feel. The kids don't really play on the floor in the family room so I don't think it will be a problem. I will let you know if it is.

  11. That lamp is great! You got some amazing goodies! There are just too many temptations at IKEA! X

  12. I work at IKEA,so you can imagine the temptation I'm faced with on a daily basis..xx

  13. I work at IKEA,so you can imagine the temptation I'm faced with on a daily basis..xx

  14. I'm intrigued to hear that you started this blog following your caravanning trip around WA etc, which is exactly what my sister did last year with her family. Great that you're still doing it.


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