
Friday, August 24, 2012

Etsy... setting up

Hooley Dooley, why didn't anyone tell me what a hoohaa it is setting up an Etsy shop.

The decisions and work is more than I expected. I am niave!

Dont get me wrong, Etsy makes it all very clear and has lots of info. It just takes time.

Mr M has been beavering away making his key balls as well as answering my million questions.

He has just started making these mini key balls.  Perfect for putting in a bowl.

I like seeing all the different types of keys.

As part of my Etsy research, I have come across lots of great things.

These shabby chic branches from wooden sage

And this is kind of cool from shop the copper fox

And these are so cute from Woolybaby

Do you get lost in etsy? I go from one page to another and spend way too long in there.


  1. Love the mini key balls! Yes I spend way too much time on Etsy, filling my trolley and then deciding I can't afford all that so emptying it again!

  2. Best wishes for the new venture!
    Etsy umm no, having enough trouble getting my head around FB

  3. Your key balls are fantastic, good luck with Etsy. I am trying to do the same. Thought I could do it in a day, how wrong was I? See you in Etsy world.

  4. Oh the keys are so funny - a completely new twist on 'keys in a bowl' at a party, tee hee, sorry, my mind went there. They key balls are just fantastic, what a clever idea, i love that. We should have kept all the keys to all the different houses we've lived in & got Mr Moerk to combine them. Maybe we could 'fake it' & just say they are from all our former homes?? There you go, does Mr Moerk do custom design orders yet, love Posie

  5. I haven't visited Etsy in a while, you've just reminded me of what inspiration I'm missing out on! Mr Moerk has excelled himself with making 'key balls'..gotta love ' original.

  6. Gorgeous balls....;-) Seriously they are very cool. I love Etsy and hoping to get some things on there myslef...maybe I should start researching now.

  7. Love the key balls! Is your store up and running? Let us know and we can put it out to our little portion of the web and help get it noticed through Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter,etc etc. I love Etsy.

  8. Oh I'm behind the times here, Deb. Are you going to sell your goodies as well? I'm just setting one up myself as well - there is so much involved, I agree! J x

  9. Hubby is very clever! I love esty and can get very lost in there. I found it pretty simple to set up and the setting up of items for sale is a little tedious the first time, but so so easy to edit and repost.

  10. Good luck with etting up. I look forward to your "shop". Your husband is very clever. Have fun.

  11. Good luck with the etsy shop. I imagine it's a lot of work, but once your set up it should be easier. I love looking at esty shops because the products are more unusual and unique. Have fun.


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