Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Miss B's felt book cover tutorial

Hi, this is Miss B here, today I want to show you my 
Felt book cover tutorial!!!!

You will need:
two pieces of felt 
(one for the pockets and one for the cover)
sharp scissors
a button
some decorations, I chose felt butterflies from Spotlight.
photo album or note book.
thread and needle.
 and a sewing machine

First you will need to measure your first piece of felt around your book with one cm excess.(for the sewing)
Sizes may vary from book to book.

 Next you will need to measure the pockets for the cover leave, about two or three cm  from the middle so you can slip the covers in nice and snugly.

Then cut your felt neatly.

And place your decorations where you plan them to be.

Chose your thread colour. I chose white.

Sew on decorations first.

Then sew on your pockets.

Cut all the excess off.

Hand stitch a beautiful button on.

Cut the button hole and..........


Your felt book cover is complete.

I did this for my school passion project, I hope you liked it.
Good bye
From Miss B.

And also linking in with Mum's favourites


  1. WOW!!! Miss B, your felt book cover is GORGEOUS!! I know that my Miss Olivia would LOVE to make one of these! Thank you so much for such a wonderful tutorial. Best wishes to you for your assignment, I think you will do BRILLIANTLY!! Well done:)~ Tina.

  2. What a lovely and detailed tutorial. Thank you Miss B. Your book cover is very pretty and you are very talented. I hope you got a good mark at school. ;-)

  3. Move over Deb, Miss B has out done you!! Not only a gorgeous project with authentic spelling mistake "choose/ chose" which i make all the time aged 36, but so clever - the sewing, the choice of colours, skills & all round final result is just lovely. Congratulations Miss B. I'll have my 4 children having a look at this, we love working with felt as you don't have to hem it. A tip for young players using felt bags/ books - you can remove little pillling balls with a razor, i know, a girl at Kikki-K told me when i purchased a felt laptopt bag. Glee. Love your work Miss B, welcome to crafty blog land, love Posie

  4. Well done Miss B. I love your choice of colours. Great tutorial.

  5. So sweet Miss B. Well done.

  6. Miss B

    You have excelled here - I am wondering if you are going to open a shop!

    Now I went looking for some of those butterflies I ran out of and I know who gobbled them up :)

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, from hereiamloulou blog


  7. Well Done Miss B!!! All the hard work at home has paid off. All the best with the school presentation.. Love Dad

  8. Clever you Miss B...
    You look a wizz on that sewing machine and the results are wonderful!!

    ciao xx Julie

  9. thank you for sharing and I am going to try they are lovely. I love your blog and have enjoyed looking around I will follow on my way out to ensure I know my way back to your door. I hope you can find the time to do the same. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  10. Miss B, how old are you?? That is very impressive, both the beautiful notebook cover and the easy to follow instructions. I hope you get an A++
    Send me your teacher's name if you don't and I'll get on to it :))

  11. Well Miss B, You'll be passing Mum in the craft skills department very soon. Love the butterflies. I am sure your teacher and the other kids will love the tutorial. I expect to see a lot of these around school by the end of the year.
    Well done. AS

  12. Hi Miss B,
    I just love your book cover and the colours and details that you used are gorgeous.
    Thank you for the very detailed tutorial, you wrote it so well and it's easy to understand and follow.
    Good luck with the assignment I'd award you an A+ no problem!

  13. This is fantastic! You are super talented. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  14. My filofax is looking a bit shabby - a new felt cover is just what it needs - great idea!

  15. Hi Miss B,
    How cool is your project! It looks great and may be something that even I can do.
    Well done! xx

  16. Aren't you clever with a sewing machine Miss B? I'm very impressed. Your felt cover looks gorgeous. Rachaelxx

  17. Well Miss.B- that was gorgeous!!!!

    You and my Ella would get on fantastically- taking over your mums sewing rooms and machines together for the day!

    Bet you teacher was amazed- there will be no stopping you now...

    Just gorgeous-

    Melissa (Miss Sew & So) xx

  18. I reckon between the gorgeous Miss B & MOTH's awesome craft posts, Martha will be positively shaking in her Jimmy Choo's!
    Millie xx

  19. Hello Miss B, LOVE your tutorial, the book cover is lovely. I'll have to give one a go myself. Thanks for the instructions x

  20. That is so cute, Deb! Would make a lovely gift! Thanks for a great tutorial & for linking with air your laundry Friday! Jami

  21. Oh so cute and lovely. This would be a great gift.


  22. Hi Miss B, I will try again to leave a comment. Great work, the tutorial is very thorough, clear and easy to follow.
    Lots of love, Nan & Pa


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