Thursday, September 9, 2010

Port Hedland

Port Hedland could just as easily be called BHP land. BHP is heavily involved in salt and iron ore mining in this area.
I was facinated by the clothes lines. They all, almost without exception had work uniforms on the line.

The photo doesn't do it justice, but this is a massive pile of salt, waiting to be shipped off to foreign parts.

We watched some of the big iron ore ships at the dock and marvelled at their size.

I got a bit distracted by these lovely pylons.

We didn't stay in Port Hedland, we just shopped, bought coffee and continued inland to the Karijini National Park.

The Moerks


  1. So different to Tassie - absolutely fascinating!

  2. What a house! All that corrugated iron. I remember going to Port Headland for a work trip many years ago. I didn't stay there long either! Enjoy the National Park :)

  3. Karijini is magnificent, try and venture into as many of the gorges as possible. And yep, Port Hedland it's a workers town.


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