Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blue plus white equals quilt.

I really love white and blue and quilts. So imagine my delight when they come together.

Image 1,2 & 3, Liven

I also like blue and white and pretty china, so now I am very happy.

I also like nice wooden shelving...

And when the nice wooden shelving has blue and white things on it....
I am very happy indeed!
Hope you are happy too, have a happy day.

The Moerks


  1. ok so you will think i am stalking now.. but just realised i didn't read the most recent post.. I love blue & white.. and want that quilt!! xx Julie [and everything in the last pic]

  2. That's a beautiful quilt. I have a small blue and white china collection...there's nothing quite like it is there?


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